Dr. Steriti is a graduate of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Scottsdale, Arizona. It is one of five medical schools in the United States that specialize on natural healthcare.
Dr. Steriti is a natural health researcher and writer. He writes articles and continuing education courses for health professionals. Nutritional Support for Chronic Myelagenous Leukemia was published in Alternative Medicine Review, a peer-reviewed medical journal.
Dr. Steriti has a Doctorates Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachussetts. His PhD thesis was entitled Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction and focused on parallel computing architectures for imaging. A list of technical publications is available online.
For hobbies, Dr. Ron dances - West Coast Swing and mixed ballroom. Dr. Ron also plays blues guitar. He also builds and repairs tube guitar amps. Dr. Steriti recommends Landmark Education and practices Vipassana, a form of Buddhism.