Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, BPH
Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a growth of prostate which may result in bladder outlet obstruction. It is a universal pathologic phenomenon seen in older men (50% of men over the age of 50; and 80% of men over the age of 70).
The exact etiology (cause) is unknown, but evidence suggests BPH arises from a systemic hormonal alteration which may or may not act in combination with growth factors stimulating stromal or glandular hyperplasia
Risk factors for BPH include: Intact testes (BPH rare in eunuchs); and Aging (BPH is rare in men under the age of 40 years). No dietary, environmental, or sexual practices have been implicated yet.
Conventional Labs
BPH is a pathologic diagnosis - lab data is only suggestive. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) may be elevated but usually < 10 ng/mL (10 g/L). Urinalysis shows pyuria and pH changes due to chronic residual urine. Urine culture is positive (sometimes due to chronic residual urine). Increased post-void residual (> 100 cc). Elevated serum creatinine (if obstructive uropathy present).
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