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MagnesiumFunctions regulates the absorption of calcium regulates the contractility of heart muscle relaxes smooth muscles decreases coagulation and acts as a calcium channel blocker cofactor for delta 6 desaturase (formation of prostaglandin E-1) necessary for the action of PTH and 1,25 DHCC in bone needed by actin and myosin to relax contracted muscles Requirements RDA - males - 350 mg qd, females - 280 mg qd Sources soybean and buckwheat flour Interactions thiazide diuretics increase excretion calcium competes with magnesium for absorption Hypomagnesemia Etiology low intake, abnormal loss - diarrhea chronic nephritis, diuretic phase of renal failure Signs Neuromuscular irritability muscle tightness and spasm, hyperreflexia, convulsions, tetany nerve conduction problems Cardiovascular changes tachycardia, hypotension high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy fatigue, irritability, weakness, poor nail growth, anxiety dysmenorrhea, anorexia, insomnia, sugar craving Rx Magnesium sulfate IV or IM Antidote calcium gluconate Hypermagnesemia Etiology Renal insufficiency, overdose, severe dehydration overuse of antacids containing Mg (Gelusil) Signs diarrhea is the biggest problem hypotension, Curare-like paralysis, sedation, decreased respiratory function, cardiac arrythmias warm sensation in body Rx Calcium gluconate IV slowly in peripheral veins (not CVP line) Therapeutics Musculoskeletal muscle cramping, torticollis - reduces spasm chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia - malate form may be helpful osteoporosis - required for calcification of bone Cardiac acute angina, post MI - reduces spasm of coronary vessels mitral valve prolapse - same symptoms as Mg deficiency Respiratory asthma - relaxes smooth muscle emphysemia, chronic bronchitis - deficiency is common Gynecology dysmenorrhea - reduces spasm premenstrual syndrome - deficiency is common Obstetrics eclampsia, toxemia of pregnancy Gastrointestinal constipation, GI spasm - relaxes smooth muscle Endocrine diabetes mellitus - diabetics are typically deficient Neurology migraine - IV Mg can stop a migraine attack Urology calcium oxalate stone prevention - increases solubility of oxalate Misc lead toxicity Sources Marz, 2nd Ed Smith, NCLEX Review, pgs 229-230
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